

Piggery Project

Hon. Fredrick Ngobi Gume, Minister of State for Trade, Industry and Cooperatives (Cooperatives) – launches the project

Government of Uganda Through MSC partners with Mukono Diocese to launch piggery Piggery Project Hon. Fredrick Ngobi Gume, Minister of State for Trade, Industry and Cooperatives (Cooperatives) – launches the project Mukono, Uganda–: Government of Uganda through The Microfinance Support…

Program Objectives

Program Objectives Emyooga The ultimate objective of the Emyooga programme is to facilitate the socio-economic transformation of households from subsistence to the money economy and market-oriented production. Other objectives include: To increase employment opportunities To improve the household incomes of…

Eligible Categories

Eligible Categories Emyooga The eligible categories targeted are people, organized in SACCOs, operating the following enterprises/categories: Boda Bodas SACCOs Women Entrepreneurs SACCOs Carpenters SACCOs Salon Operators SACCOs Taxi Operators SACCOs Restaurant Owners SACCOs Welders SACCOs Market Vendors SACCOs Youth Leaders…

Community Mobilisation and Identification of Beneficiaries

Community Mobilization and Identification of Beneficiaries Emyooga MSC under the Supervision of Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (spearheaded by the office of the Minister of State for Microfinance) successfully carried out mobilization and sensitization meetings of District Leaders,…

Registration, Management and Leadership

Registration, Management and Leadership Emyooga Emyooga Associations These are registered at the office of the Community Development Officer, managed by a 5-member Committee, including; Chairperson, Vice Chairperson (Money Counter) Secretary Treasurer Publicity (Money Counter) To facilitate savings, MSC customized a…

Formation of Emyooga SACCOs

Formation of Emyooga SACCOs Emyooga Only registered Emyooga Associations composed of members engaged in similar enterprises become members of Myooga SACCOs. The Minimum number of associations per Mwooga SACCO outside Kampala is 05 associations; In Kampala City, Minimum number of…

Disbursement of Funds (Seed Capital)

Disbursement of Funds Emyooga To prepare for seed capital disbursement, MSC entered into MOUs with various commercial banks with a view to fast-track the acquisition of bank accounts for ready apex Emyooga SACCOs by ensuring that the members benefit from…

Capacity Building and Business Advisory Services

Capacity Building & Business Advisory Services Emyooga Training Needs Assessment for the parish-based associations and apex Emyooga SACCOs was conducted and customised training materials developed.  A total of 2,809 technical officers (CAOs, DCOs, DCDOs, CDOs, and COs) underwent a Training…

Advisory Services and Technical Support

Advisory Services & Technical Support Emyooga MSC working together with other stakeholders including YASPED, the District technical staff, has offered advisory services and technical support to 31,002 Leaders from 6,054 SACCOs. MSC has put in place a team of 54…